Sarah and Paul
Plastic bags in Queensland
More and more of our customers are asking us about the ‘Plastic Bag ban’ and what it means for them and us, so after some reading and research this is what we believe are the facts
The Queensland government has voted to ban certain plastic bags from July 2018, This means (according to my interpretation of the available facts) retailers will no longer be allowed to give out or sell plastic bags designed for single use and less than 35 microns in thickness. All other plastic bags and wrappings are for the moment still acceptable. Basically retailers like Coles and Woolworths will no longer have to give away millions of plastic bags but instead will be allowed to sell the customer thicker plastic bags with their logos and advertising in the hope that customers will reuse the bags.
Compostable, Degradable and biodegradable bags will also be included in the ban, as the long term effects of the plastic once it has broken down are not yet known, in addition none of these bags breaks down in traditional land fill sites, which is where they generally end up.
It is hoped that these measures will firstly help reduce the amount of littered plastic bags ending up in oceans and wildlife areas, whilst also reducing the amount of waste going to landfill sites
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We have just launched our new website. Stay tuned for lots more products and information to be added very soon.